Happy Chap Goh Mei
Today is Chap Goh Mei, and if directly translated from Hokkien, it literally means "15th Night". And in the history of Chap Goh Mei, it is believed that young women would on this night would make their ways to the temples, dressed in their very best, and arned with a dash of hope in finding prospective suitors as their future husbands.
Another point which I remember from what my primary school teacher told me was that these young ladies would throw tangerines into the town river/stream - an act that signifies that they are available for marriage. It is also said that if some lad sees the floating tangerine in the water and picks it up, that generally means that the bachelorette who threw it would be able to find a good spouse...
Hehe cute eh? Personally, I would rather eat the tagerines for myself. Goodness knows how expensive a good round and juicy tangerine is in the old days! But then nowadays I don't thnk this culture is being practiced anymore. Nevertheless, those who love near their family would usually go home to have another dinner with their kins.
Chap Goh Mei is also know as the Chinese version of Valentine's Day. So baby, Happy Chap Goh Mei! You are always in my heart... *hugs*
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